
What's 50 grand to a mofo like Jay-Z?

Ni**as in Paris was released in 2011 A verse by Jay-Z goes, “What's 50 grand to a motherfucker like me? Can you please remind me?” In 2011, he had a net worth of $450 million 50 grand was a measly 0.01% of his wealth The Arab Spring happened during the same time; the Middle East and North Africa were struck with instability and violence 50 grand could mean food in the table of hundreds of families there 50 grand could be enough for many to escape the sounds of guns and bombs to start a new life where even the bare minimum seems to be a far fetched dream   Instead 100s of grands were exchanged for fancy watches and designer clothes But what’s 100 grand to a mofo like Jay-Z? I’m not criticizing Jay-Z here Because what is $20 to a mofo like me? Maybe a kid whose parents were bombed out of existence in Gaza could live for one more day with $20 $20 could also mean mosquito nets for many of the thousands of people still dying due to Malaria Instead, I used that $20 to buy

The teachings of the Bhagavad Gita

  “All paths Arjuna, lead to me” The Bhagavad Gita is an inner dialogue between the ordinary human self (Arjuna) and the inner divine self (Krishna). As a non-religious person, I was useful for me to think of God as the innermost self to understand what the book was trying to say. In short, the purpose of life is to connect with this self. So, how can we do that? Meditate The untrained mind is restless and constantly wandering, finding ways to fulfil its desires. After one desire is fulfilled, it is replaced by another one. Many confuse the pursuit of desire as the pursuit of happiness and keep repeating the same cycle again and again. One must be careful as powerful compulsive desires can get the better of them, scattering their resolution the way a cloud is scattered by the wind. Therefore, one needs to learn to train the mind through meditation. It is believed in the depths of meditation, when the mind is made still, the inner self reveals itself i.e., you unite with Lord Kr

The world is ending

I'm having dinner with someone. While she's talking to me, I stop and look at her face. Each part of her face has its own personality. When she's happy, her eyes sparkle, and creases form on her nose in a certain way. When she's hurt, her eyes and nose try to move closer to one another. I wonder if I could decipher her emotions just by looking at her nose. All the time that we spent together, where was I looking? I realize I have been staring blankly for too long. I only hear the end of what she said, and I quickly form a remark based on that.  "Sometimes, when I'm talking to you, it feels like I'm conversing with a robot."  I do feel like a robot sometimes, like a boat in a river getting tossed around by the waves. Sometimes, no matter how hard I paddle, I have to submit to the waves. No matter how hard I try to preserve this moment, I will have to let it get washed away—the world is ending soon.  A few days ago, two people dressed like saints from a

Former painter

No alarms, no sunshine gliding across my face, no abrupt end to a dream, my eyes just open up. Sleep has left my body. Almost involuntarily, my hands reach out to my phone. 11 A.M. I can’t remember if I was supposed to meet Muna at 11:15 A.M. in front of the dorms. Three seconds and I’m out of bed, hastily brushing my teeth and restoring some order to my bed simultaneously. By 11:10 A.M. I’ve put on the first clothes my hands touch and am ready to leave the room.  As I run to the elevator, I give a call to Muna. “Muna, were we supposed to meet today?”  “Ummm, I don’t think so, no.”  “Oh, never mind. I can fuzzily remember making plans with you. Must have been in my dreams then.”  “Mohit, I don’t have time for your tomfoolery okay. I’ll talk to you later.”  “B-”  By the end of the call, I’m outside the dorms. I start thinking about Omkar. Ever since I was young, I talked to myself a lot. All of that changed when one day I heard talking to oneself is a sign of craziness. So, I created Om

Why I believe in the Devil

When I was a 9-year-old kid, my front tooth had started moving- I would have to bid farewell to him soon. After some intense exchange of words, it was decided that my mom was to wrap a thread around my tooth and force it out. The experience was painful, tears rolled down my eyes, mucus soon followed- rendering my face wet. But there was a glimmer of hope waiting for me. While sleeping, I would put my tooth under the pillow to summon the tooth fairy. The next morning, I was to be rewarded with money. However, things did not play out like that. I was greeted by my musty tooth instead of money the next morning.  This betrayal could not diminish my faith in the tooth fairy. I kept putting my teeth under the pillow and got the same results. My rational adult brain is tempted to look at this memory with a sense of superiority. How foolish of me to believe in such fairy tales. Of course, beliefs should be informed by facts and logic and not by fabricated stories.  But how far can we force rat