
Showing posts from December, 2021

Dealing with troubling thoughts

As human beings, we are exceptionally capable of finding the faults or mistakes of other people. However, when it comes to ourselves, that capability seems to vanish. Sometimes, we even do the same things we criticize others for doing. Hence, the word hypocrisy exists. Our elevated positioning of the self – or ego – might be the culprit here. We don’t want to be wrong or be lesser than anyone else. Irrationality, like the one described above, aids the fulfilment of such desire.  When we look at thoughts that bother us, most aren’t rational. They stem from events that we cannot control (what other people think, what if XYZ happens in the future), or negative emotions like anger, jealousy, and possessiveness. This voice is within the confinement of ego as it resides within us, hence our judgement is impaired- although you don’t want to be angry or jealous, your thoughts make you that. But, we’re not powerless to our thoughts. Simply writing our thoughts down on a piece of paper/screen ma

Fate of Humans

  I remember the small back camera my first phone had. It was a 1.3-megapixel camera. That was enough to excite my adolescent brain, and I took loads of pictures with it. Now, a typical phone has two back cameras and a front camera, all with double-digit megapixels. Feature by feature, phones have evolved- they’re larger, faster, and can do more things. Phones or any other products aren’t alone in this. From a microbe invisible to the naked eye, we evolved into the being we are today. Every subsequent generation of the microbe brought change. For organisms, the evolutionary process was driven by the conditions of nature at that time i.e. if the change was suitable to the conditions, it persisted. For products, it’s driven by human behaviour. What new features of a product persist depends on our preferences. In a way, we are to products what nature is to organisms. With time, the might of nature upon us has diminished. We were meant to live inside caves, to hunt. But, human civiliza

Girl of my dreams

Finally lucid. Saw a girl from school in my dream. She was just standing there. Went to her and asked, "Why are you in my dream? We have barely spoken and all I know about you is that you exist." She turns to me with a disgusted face, "Why don't you think for yourself, loser." She vanished, I woke up.