
Showing posts from January, 2022

Understanding poverty

The central ideas in the book are simple. The first is that we cannot eliminate poverty (as of yet), but that is no excuse for inaction. Poverty leads to a waste of life and talent, which is undesirable. Therefore, we should do whatever we can to reduce it. The second is that simple actions can have a sizeable impact. These actions include deworming children (makes them healthier), adding chlorine to water (prevents diarrhoea), providing adequate Iodine to pregnant women (creates healthier babies), using bed nets (prevents malaria), and many others. Unfortunately, easily preventable problems cause many deaths and misery. To discuss the content of the book, it is important to understand some concepts. A stable job differentiates the middle class from the poor. One is in a poverty trap if their future income is projected to be lower than their present income. This implies that one cannot get out of poverty themselves (hence, “trap”), and intervention is needed. How do the poor spend

I have a dream (always)

After playing “relaxing music” on YouTube, I sit down - cross-legged - and close my eyes. I have one objective: focus on the rhythm of my breath. For maybe 10 seconds, I succeed. Inevitably, my mind wanders off by conjuring memories from the past or making up scenarios for the future. For the mind to do that, we don’t need to close our eyes. Think about how many times you didn’t notice something happening in the present because you were lost in thought. It’s a common experience to be looking at someone speaking to us, but only listen to the voice inside our head.  Our thoughts mostly contain instances that are blurry and lack details, but we get the gist of it. Dreams aren’t that different. One way to know if you are dreaming is by counting your fingers. If you look at your hand in your dream, it certainly won’t have 5 fingers. It seems as if the fingers were placed on the palm by a lousy architect.   We cannot predict our thoughts and they tend to bounce from one context to another. O