
Showing posts from March, 2022

How to control your life and find happiness

 "Passive forms of media aren’t supposed to make us happy and strong, they’re supposed to make money for someone."  Things to know ·        Flow is a state of complete immersion in the activity being performed where everything outside of it becomes irrelevant- one forgets about the frustrations and worries of daily life. During flow, the sense of time is messed up- hours can feel like minutes, and minutes like hours. A professional violinist forgets about the outside world and becomes one with their instrument while performing, they are experiencing flow. ·        Attention is a major resource of our mind. How we choose to use it determines our quality of life. In this book, psychic energy refers to attention. Pleasure and enjoyment are different Many people might have the mentality that they shouldn’t put effort into anything unless it brings forth any extrinsic rewards, like money and fame. Although pleasure can be attained without investment of psychic energy, enjoym