
Showing posts from April, 2022

Just don't be sad lol

No one wants to suffer in their life- yet no one gets to not suffer. It is reasonable to believe that suffering makes life unappealing. I’m here to argue the opposite. An idea constantly echoed in books related to happiness and meaning in life is that one cannot grow in comfort. Watching TV all day or engaging in activities that don’t require much effort won’t transform you into a more complex individual with a richer understanding and experience. You become complex and grow as a person by engaging in activities that require your attention and challenge you.  According to Flow – the psychology of optimal experience – horrific events in life often lead to people finding their purpose. This transformational effect has more to do with the reaction than the experience itself. The first step is to recognize that other people suffer due to the same cause (poverty, let’s say). Then, focus your effort on solving the problem for everyone. Someone being raised in poverty developing an interest i