
Showing posts from November, 2021

I don't need the gym

Yesterday, when I was walking from Koteshwor to Lokanthali, I had the most insane experience. I was thinking about hitting the gym the next day and the exercises that I would do. I mostly thought about the satisfaction you get when you feel the exercise working the desired muscle, i.e. how doing shoulder press burns your shoulders. Weirdly, I started feeling the same burn on my muscles. I was thinking about bench press and it felt like strands of muscle were being removed from my chest (this is how I feel while benching). I got very excited and started thinking about every exercise I knew. The same thing happened- the muscle associated with the exercise started to burn/tire. The burn is the best part, so feeling that in almost all parts of my body in 5 minutes was orgasmic- must be how paradise feels like (if there's one). P.S. Bench press and pull-ups are the best exercises.

Why we sleep

  "Scientists have discovered a revolutionary new treatment that makes you live longer. It enhances your memory and makes you more creative. It makes you look more attractive. It keeps you slim and lowers food cravings. It protects you from cancer and dementia. It wards off colds and the flu. It lowers your risk of heart attacks and stroke, not to mention diabetes. You’ll even feel happier, less depressed, and less anxious. Are you interested?" The ad isn't about a miracle cure-all drug, but rather the scientifically proven benefits of a full night of sleep. How much should you sleep(optimal amount)? According to Matthew, it's 8 hours of sleep opportunity at night and 30-60 minutes nap in the day (before 3 PM). During the afternoon, it's natural to feel sleepy. If you have to give a presentation or any performance, better not schedule it in the afternoon. You might think that you're able to function properly by sleeping 6 hours. If you regularly sleep 8 hours

The Psychology of Money

Important takeaways from "Psychology of money":  1) Financial success is a soft skill- how you behave is more important than what you know. Sadly, how we behave with money is shaped mostly by the time and place we're born in, making our intuition unreliable. Patience, frugality, and planning about the plan not going according to the plan are important qualities to have. 2) A good savings rate makes you wealthy, not a high income. If you already live a comfortable life, don't inflate your lifestyle when your income rises. Instead, save and invest the extra money. i) Have an emergency savings fund (EMS). When something unexpected happens (like corona), you're prepared and won't be forced to sell your assets prematurely. ii) EMS also lets you sleep properly at night. 3) Compounding is a powerful force in investing, so: i) Start as early as possible. If I put 3K into something with an average return of 8% at age 25, it will have grown to 6.477K by the time I’m 30.