I have completely lost my mind

I saw a butter fly earlier and he look like he don’t bite. I tease him so he got anger and slap me with his wings. I chase the naughty slapper to take the revenge but he fly up the tree. Sadly, I human cannot do the fly up the tree. He won the fight and make my healthy bad cause my head pain, making me feel not amaze. 

A wise man from America of the states once told me to keep the focus on positives. It make me wanna talk about myself. I like to do the talk with my brother and lovely sisters. I think speaking make me what I am. If I cannot speak, I will become like the naughty slapper butter fly. My teacher always told me to mind my tongue and my language. I do not think that is good. 

Language determines our thoughts, opinions, and actions. It’s a reflection of our culture and values. The Nepali language is hierarchical- we use distinct verbs for our elders and friends. This facilitates respecting our elders and treating them differently like how we would treat our peers. The English language, on the other hand, has no hierarchy based on age or power structure. It comes from a society which believes individual freedom should be unperturbed by authority figures. The authority works for the individual and not the other way around. In conclusion, language helps to cement the culture where it comes from. 

But, what if, the government plays an active role in shaping the language that people use. It can be done by a mixture of exposure and restriction. Let people only consume praises about the state, and make sure they’re not exposed to any criticisms. Then, by default, the only way one knows to talk about the state is by praising it. Now, let’s make it very clear that they can’t use language critical of the state. That’s enough to induce a state of paranoia whenever one is being critical. Our desire to simplify our lives and seek comfort will naturally push us to avoid the thought and language that could get us into trouble. Governing becomes easier when people are stripped away from the use of language and turned into docile robots. 

Language is what stands between our world and a world where people can believe- 
War is peace
Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is strength 

Wow, I think the naughty butter fly is making me crazy thoughts. Of course, I love the government, it wants to make me the good boy. Sorry for sounding like a crazy man. I need to drink some cow milk to make the mind less craze. My day is not the good, but I hope your day is going the amazing way. Again, sorry for crazy thoughts, I will find the naughty butter fly and give him the punish, his children will cry for him.


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